Old Walton Photo Archive

IMPORTANT - The telephone number shown on some images is no longer active. Please call 0798 499 6524

Our archive of Walton-on-the-Naze pictures is extensive and it is unlikely that we will ever be able to include everything here.

If you can't find what you want please email us with details of any specific place, event or person, with a Walton-on-the-Naze connection, that you are seeking images.

Many of the pages below contain a vast number of pictures - so please be patient whilst they download.

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high street old walton archive    albion old walton archive    town old walton archive      

  piers walton on the naze old archive    naze walton old archive    backwaters walton naze old archive photos    mills old walton archive  

  lifeboats old walton archive    southcliff walton naze old archive photos    esplanade old walton archive  

  marine parade walton naze archive   people groups walton naze old archive    coronation 53 old walton archive  

  transport old walton archive   floods 1953 walton on the naze    carnivals walton naze old archive 

   town hard walton naze old archive    big freeze walton naze old archive   other places walton naze archive 

  sea cadets walton naze old archive    school walton naze old archive

Other nearby villages
including Frinton-on-Sea, Kirby & Thorpe


Unknown people and places


Picture Sizes and Prices

Ordering and payment advice


If you have any photographs of Walton-on-the-Naze people, places or events that you are prepared to loan us to copy and include on this site, please call Pete Frost on 0798 499 6524 or email   pete@putmans.co.uk Pictures will be collected and returned unharmed the same day if you wish.

Putmans have been collecting photographs of Walton-on-the-Naze for almost 80 years and now boast one of the most comprehensive collections of images spanning about 150 years.

Many images are reproduced from the original glass plates which are still in Putmans' possession. Also, the archive of photographs taken by Putmans over the past 60 years contains much interesting material.

Modern technology allows the images to be enhanced and restored to perfection. Copies of any photographs are available for purchase.

See above for links to pages detailing sizes, prices and how to order.